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Online Statements

How can I enroll for online statements?

Switch to online statements by logging into your account and navigating to “Account Services > Change document delivery method.” It takes just a minute.

Will I start receiving online statements immediately after I enroll?

You will receive one more paper statement after you sign up for online statements. Your statements will be at your fingertips*. You can easily save your statements to your personal computer or use the “Download Banking Transactions” feature from the Accounts page to download your account history to your Quicken®, MS Money® or other accounting software. You can also print out your statement; if you need a paper copy (Adobe Reader is required).

*Only statements generated after the online activation date will be available for online viewing.

Is there a fee for online statements?

Online statements are free. By signing up for online statements, you will enjoy free, secure and convenient access to your statements.

I can’t remember my user ID or password. Help me log on to my account so I can sign up for online statements.

Your user ID for online access was included in the welcome letter we sent you when you opened your account. We sent you your password by email, if your email address was provided at account opening; otherwise a password letter was mailed. If you cannot find either one, please call us at 866.415.2501, and we will be happy to help.

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